Passionate – Committed – Competent
Slitisa Consulting GmbH
Reinvent the future of your company
Slitisa Consulting GmbH is an internationally renowned management and business consultancy that supports its clients with comprehensive management expertise.
Thanks to our expertise, we guide our clients on their journey to revolutionize the business landscape. We reveal new opportunities and help you achieve exceptional results, providing you with a unique competitive advantage.
We show you new possibilities and assist you in achieving extraordinary outcomes. As a result, we give you a distinctive competitive edge.
With our tailored solutions, we strive for faster and more sustainable success for our clients. Furthermore, we support you along the entire value chain, from the initial idea through development and production to the market-ready product in numerous disciplines. In this way, we offer you comprehensive support with optimal results.

Passionate – Committed – Competent
We bring you a sustainable ROI.
Open and transparent communication is part of our standard approach.
Thanks to our many years of experience, in-depth expertise and the necessary intuition, we achieve optimum results at an excellent price-performance ratio.
Passionate – Committed – Professional
Our key to success
A key factor in the success of Slitisa Consulting GmbH is our cross-industry and cross-disciplinary management consulting, which enables us to tackle a wide range of challenges effectively.
In our consulting projects, we do not view the issues in isolation from the company as a whole.
Instead, we ensure that the methods, concepts and recommendations introduced are always tailored to the employees, the peripheral interfaces and the processes of the entire product development cycle. We follow the guiding principle that complex problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them. We therefore invite you to get to know us better.
An insight into our customer world: Selected references
Fraunhofer-Institut IPK
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Jochem - Leiter Geschäftsfeld Qualitätsmanagement
” … Slitisa Consulting is a competent partner for the handling of novel and complex projects. …”
Deutsche Post - DHL Group
Bernd Ziehn Standortleiter (ehem.)
“Slitisa Consulting GmbH impressed us with their outstanding expertise in logistics. Their support enabled us to optimize our value chain based on facts and identify bottlenecks.”
MHC Mobility GmbH
Ryjan Rütgers Geschäftsführer
“We would like to thank Slitisa Consulting for the great cooperation and the tireless drive in our project. Thanks to the team for the valuable input, the many constructive meetings, discussions, the commitment and the great support in our business transformation.”