Passionate – Committed – Competent

Knowledge management

Strategic Utilization of Knowledge for Sustainable Success

Continuous knowledge exchange across departmental boundaries is essential for product success in the complex world of systems and growing company sizes. Knowledge becomes the critical success factor. Additionally, due to demographic changes, there is a lack of knowledge holders with essential company expertise, posing significant challenges for businesses today.

Functional Characteristics: Knowledge Objectives, Knowledge Identification, Knowledge Evaluation, Knowledge Utilization, Knowledge Distribution, TOM Model (Technology – Organization – People), Knowledge Databases, Process-Oriented Web Model.

1.Implementation of Knowledge Management

We advise companies on defining clear knowledge objectives that are closely linked to their business goals and using these as a guide for the entire knowledge management process and knowledge cycle. Additionally, we assist in identifying and capturing relevant knowledge sources, both internally through employee expertise and externally through market analysis and competitive intelligence.

Furthermore, we conduct evaluations of existing knowledge to assess its quality, relevance, and usefulness, enabling companies to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. We also support companies in the effective utilization of their knowledge to solve problems, support decision-making processes, and foster innovation. Finally, we develop mechanisms and platforms based on the TOM model (Technology – Organization – People) for the systematic distribution of knowledge within the company, ensuring that relevant information reaches the right people at the right time.

Collaborate on Strategies for Effective Knowledge Management
Collaborate on Strategies for Effective Knowledge Management

2. Development of knowledge databases and process-oriented web models:

Effective knowledge transfer is difficult to achieve in the jungle of information overload without implementing databases. The multitude of, for example, process documentation, checklists, and employee qualifications must be recorded in a structured knowledge network for quick retrieval. Quality is more important than quantity. At Slitisa Consulting, we help our clients identify relevant knowledge, select potential computer databases, and implement the information into computer systems.