Passionate – Committed – Competent

Our approach

Customized solution expertise

At Slitisa Consulting, we attach great importance to offering customized solutions that are precisely tailored to the individual needs of each company. We look at your company as a whole – from employees to corporate culture to IT systems and more – to create real added value for our customers.

We always strive to identify innovative opportunities, deliver concrete results and thus promote sustainable growth for our customers.

1. Identification and analysis

Our approach to problem solving begins with a thorough analysis of the customer’s current challenges and needs. We take into account key factors such as current processes, organizational structure, employee qualifications, technology infrastructure and market dynamics. Open and honest communication is crucial for us to develop the right solutions and implement them sustainably. We firmly believe that a sound understanding of the required framework conditions is crucial in order to develop customized solutions that can later be implemented efficiently and sustainably, without lengthy iteration loops. Thanks to our expertise in problem-solving methods and the consideration of current trends in management consulting, Slitisa Consulting guarantees a comprehensive understanding of the challenges at hand and the goals to be achieved.

2. Generation of the solution and the catalog of measures

Based on the findings of phase 1, we are focusing on a collaborative approach to developing innovative solutions. Together with our clients’ employees, we use proven methods from Lean Six Sigma, Agile, Design Thinking and digital transformation to develop robust and pragmatic solutions. We involve your employees right from the start to ensure that they can support the solutions and implement them successfully. When developing new solutions, the focus is on practical relevance. We are of the opinion that it is not always necessary to invest in new systems but that, if feasible, existing resources should be used and the best made of them. Our hands-on mentality enables us to set realistic deadlines and make optimum use of available resources.

3. project implementation and support

When implementing your projects, we carefully manage all aspects and risks to ensure that everything goes according to plan. We pay particular attention to the change process and create transparency through regular communication with all those involved. Through the involvement of all stakeholders, our extensive practical experience, in-depth expertise and continuous monitoring of performance against key performance indicators, Slitisa Consulting ensures that projects progress according to plan.

Even after the project has been completed, we will continue to be at your side and offer ongoing support. Slitisa Consulting is not just about solving problems – it’s about ensuring long-term success for your company.

Passionate – Committed – Professional

Our key to success.

One of Slitisa’s key success factors is its cross-industry and cross-disciplinary management consulting. In our consulting projects, we do not view the issues in isolation from the company as a whole, but ensure that the methods, concepts and recommendations for action introduced are always tailored to the employees, peripheral interfaces and processes of the entire product development cycle. We follow the guiding principle that complex problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them.